Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This Five Facts Concerning The Human Body

The human body was created by God with all the advantages. A recent study in Brisbane, Australia, shows there are five facts about the human body. These facts may not yet well known. These five facts are:

1. The Human Body Can Produce Aspirin

Eat fruits and vegetables can make the human body to produce aspirin. This fact was discovered through a journal of food and vegetables. In fruits are benzoic acid, a natural substance that can produce salicylic acid which acts as immunity and painkiller.

2. Sleep Day At Work Good for the Body

Take a nap for 20 minutes can double the brain, improving mood, and creativity. William Anthony, an author of the book, The Art of napping at Work, says napping can help work your heart and refresh tired minds at work.

3. Ejaculation Can Make Men Sneeze

Some events such as headache or sneezing is the result of ejaculation. Thus any activity that increases with anxiety can spur the emergence of a headache. Sneezing is also influenced by the workings of the brain that are not stable. All the outdoor activities are also potentially create a human virus.

4. Everybody Has a Unique Tongue Prints

Like fingers, the tongue is a unique organ. The tongue can be changed when the mouth is moved. However, every human being has a unique tongue print. The tongue also indicates a satisfying and tastes.

5. Body Higher Than in the Morning Day Evening

The size of the human body can be changed but not stable. If you exercise, like playing basketball in the morning, then the height can be increased even in a moment. And at night, keep your height in normal circumstances.

Believe it or not? Can you prove yourself.

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