Wednesday, May 19, 2010


is the yarn structure in the cell nucleus which is responsible in terms of offspring (heredity). Chromosomes are typical for living things.

GEN is the "substance of heredity," located in the chromosome.

Genes are among others:
- As a separate matter contained in the chromosome.
- Contains information on genetics.
- Able to replicate themselves in the events of cell division.

A pair of chromosomes is "homologous" to each other, meaning that the locus containing the corresponding genes, called ALELA.

Locus is the location for the gene in the chromosome.
Allele DOUBLE (MULTIPLE ALLELES) is that there is more than one allele at the same loci.

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Known two kinds of chromosomes, namely:

1. Body chromosomes (autosomes).
2. Sex chromosomes / chromosomal sex (Gonosom).

Thomas Hunt Morgan
is a United States geneticist who discovered that the descendants of factors (genes) are stored in a unique locus in the chromosome.

Attempt to have this done on fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) with the following reasons:

- Quickly multiply,
- Easily obtained and maintained,
- Quickly become adults (age 10-14 days was de ~ adult),
- Flies many females lay eggs,
- Only has four pairs of chromosomes, making it easy examined.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Smallpox disease (Herpes)

Smallpox disease or so-called 'Herpes' by the medical community is a disease characterized by inflammation of the skin forming bubbles of water in groups. Chickenpox or Herpes Disease There are two kinds of groups, Genetalis Herpes and Shingles.

Genetalis herpes is an infection or inflammation (bubble blister) on the skin especially in genital (vagina, penis, including the door of the rectum / anus and the buttocks and groin / groin) is caused by herpes simplex virus (VHS), while herpes zoster or by any other name ' shingles' is a skin infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus that causes bubbles in the liquid almost the entire body.

Herpes zoster is also said the infections to the skin which is a continuation of the chickenpox (chicken pox) because the viruses that attack is the same, only there is a difference with the chicken pox. Shingles is characterized by a larger bubble smallpox and clustered in certain parts of the body, can in the back, forehead or breast.

# How to Spread Disease Chickenpox (Herpes)

In general, all types of herpes can be transmitted through direct contact. However, in herpes zoster, which occurs in diseases such as smallpox (chickenpox), the process can spread through sneezing, coughing, contaminated clothing and touch up bubbles / blisters that burst. In genital herpes disease (genetalia), transmission occurs through sexual behavior. So the disease is sometimes suffered by Herpes genetalis mouth due to oral sex section. Symptoms will occur in the period 7-21 days after the person is in contact (infected), varicella-zoster virus.

Someone who has had chicken pox and later healed, the virus actually is not 100% lost from the body, but rather hiding in the dorsal ganglion cells in the sensory nervous system of patients. When the immune system (immune) to weaken, the virus will attack again in the form of Herpes Zoster which caused symptoms similar to chickenpox disease (chickenpox). For someone who has never had chicken pox, when the varicella-zoster virus infection is not directly experienced herpes zoster but had chickenpox first.

# Signs and Symptoms Diseases Chickenpox (Herpes)

Signs and symptoms arising from the herpes virus attacks in general are fever, chills, shortness of breath, pain in joints or sore in one part of the collapse, the appearance of reddish spots on the skin that eventually form a bubble liquid. Another complaint is sometimes felt by people who are sick stomach.

# Handling and Treatment of Diseases Chickenpox (Herpes)

In patients with smallpox are the most important thing is to keep the liquid bubbles do not break so as not to leave scars and a way in to other germs (secondary infection), among others, the granting of talcum powder to help lubricate the skin. When patients can not stand the cold condition is recommended not to bathe, because it can lead to shock.

Drugs given to patients with smallpox is intended to reduce the symptoms of existing complaints such as pain and fever, for example, given paracetamol. Giving Acyclovir tablets (Desciclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir, and penciclovir) as antiviral aims to reduce fever, pain, complications and protect a person from the inability of the immune system against the herpes virus. Acyclovir should drug administration when the pain or a burning sensation on your skin burned, no need to wait for the emergence of bubbles of fluid (blisters).

On a serious condition in which the immune system of someone very weak, patients with smallpox disease (herpes) should get treatment therapy intravenous (IV) Acyclovir. As prevention efforts should someone get a varicella-zoster vaccine immunization. In healthy children aged 1-12 years given once. Immunises can be given once again at puberty to establish immunity to 60% - 80%. After that, in order to refine it, give it one more time when adult immunization. This acquired immunity can last up to 10 years.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Rheumatic fever is very many kinds. Among the various types of arthritis, there are closely related to genetic factors. One of these was rheumatic genetic, such as that suffered by the son interested. Group of diseases caused by these genetic factors associated with imunogenetic factor called human leukocyte antigens (HLA).

HLA is a genetic factor that is in the white blood cells. In genetic rheumatism, there are HLA-B27. "If someone has the HLA-B27 in white blood cells, so he has a genetic tendency to rheumatism attacked, including the variant-variant." However, not necessarily people who have the HLA-B27 directly affected by genetic rheumatism. "There are other factors that trigger factors mentioned earlier," explained Harry.

However, the trend, people with the HLA-B27 more affected by genetic rheumatism. "The cause is still unknown, why have the HLA-B27 who was attacked by this type of genetic rheumatism," said Harry. That's why a thorough treatment of this disease can not be given to patients.

The disease is present in the blood, so it can be derived parent to her child. If a parent blood containing HLA-B27, then maybe the child would be attacked. However, not everything. "Perhaps because of certain genetic factors within each child, so not all affected by this disease."

HLA-B27 also has a different prevalence in each race. For example, African nation, the predominance of HLA-B27 was 0. On the white race, such as Canada and the United States, prevalence of HLA-B27 was 40-50 percent, and the Chinese race, normally 2-9 percent. "So normally do tend to attack the white race (Caucasian)."

That is why, in Indonesia, the disease affected mostly white descendants or those of mixed blood. Although no data would, in Indonesia, the disease is also a lot of attacking Chinese. "People of Indonesian descent own original lower risk," explained Harry.

Physiotherapy DAILY
To cure rheumatism genetics, in addition to drug administration on joint pain relief, physiotherapy should be done every day. Also, when you wake up, suggested the body flushed with warm water for a rigid body flex. "I help him straighten his back, calves, and practice using the heel when walking. Now, it's not too tiptoe back when walking. But he had to exercise for life, "said his son who is now eyeing about 17 years old.

Yes, until now, it's no treatment that can be 100 per cent cure this disease. So any drug that can stop the journey of this disease, particularly if related to his peripheral joints. Drugs that exist only to cure the complaints of pain in the joints. So, who could do is stop the course of the disease for a while. U.S. attack spine is still very difficult to cure.

Or physiotherapy rehabilitation program is also very important to overcome the genetic rheumatism. Physiotherapy is useful to maintain your posture and reduce dependence on drugs painkillers. Can also be removed surgically if necessary. "However, these measures still can not completely restore the body to original posture."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Healthy Ways' ala Rasulullah SAW

Below are tips on healthy 'ala Messenger:

The Apostle is always calling his people to wake up before dawn, perform their prayers and pray sunna Fardhu, dawn prayer in congregation. This gives wisdom fixation, among others:
- Abundant reward from Allah
- Fresh air at dawn jim-dandy for health / tuberculosis treatment
- Strengthen your mind and healthy feeling

The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday, he washed the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily scent. "Bathing on Friday is compulsory for every adult. Similarly, brushed his teeth and wearing fragrance-haruman "(Muslim)

Word of the Apostle: "We are a nation who do not eat before we eat when hungry and not too many (not until satiation)" (Muttafaq Alaih)

In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 things: a third for air, water and a third for another third for food. There's even a special tarbiyyah for Muslims with Ramadan fasting to balance the existence of health

The Apostle always walk to the Mosque, Market, field of jihad, visiting a friend's house, and so forth. With walking, the sweat will flow, the pores open and the blood circulation will run smoothly. This is important for preventing heart disease.

5. NOT Grumpy
Prophet's advice: "Do not be Angry" repeated 3 times. This showing nature of health and strength of Muslims is not the mere jasadiyah, but further is based on cleanliness and mental health.

There is an appropriate therapy to restrain anger:

* Change positions when angry, when standing then sitting, and when sitting then lying
* Reading Ta 'awwudz, because anger is from Syaithon
* Immediately ablution
* Prayer 2 Rokaat to achieve peace and eliminate the liver

6. Optimistic and NOT DESPERATE
Optimistic attitude will give a deep psychological impact for the soul, so remain patient spaciousness, istiqomah and work hard, and submission to Allah SWT.


To maintain the stability of the heart & mental health, then stay away from envy mentality is very appropriate preventative action.

Messenger of Allah said: "Mu'min strong is better and more loved by God than the weak believers ... .." (Muslim).

Friday, April 9, 2010

Healthy Sleep ala Rasulullah

Healthy Sleep way Rasulullah

Indeed sleep to restore body vitality, relaxes muscles and renew damaged cells. Statement is not unfounded, as described in the letter of the An-Naba ', "And We made your sleep as you release tired." In other words, sleep is a necessity that can not. Many lessons can be taken from the bed. As the story Ashabul Kahfi, Allah third euthanize him for 390 years. It was a long time. The case is described in the Qur'an, "The essence of time is in the hands of God, to sleep in order to realize a devotion to God, slept in the right way." (Al-Kahfi: 18)

Therefore, to avoid wasteful aka sleep in vain. But the trend of the human desire to sleep longer and more difficult muted. Many mistakenly wrong with sleep as a rest. Unsurprisingly, sleep should be able to forget for a moment the problem load was again blessed his quality. Prophet never taught how to sleep quality. Sleep quality refers to the Islamic nan healthy lifestyles.

How to sleep well way Rasulullah? Before sleep familiarize themselves with clean ablution 'and brushing your teeth. Although it does not mean just sleeping offhand. Sleep with decent clothes, do not dress like a torturous exercise strict and oppressive and disturbing the tranquility of sleep. There is good before bed to clean the bed to sleep comfortable. Do not forget to pray and dzikir. By praying 'and remembrance of Allah willing, to avoid a nightmare.

Sleep with sleeping position skewed to the right and facing the Qiblah as taught by the prophet, "Lie on your left ribs." (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim). While bed rest on the left side of the body of a health hazard, because it can crush the heart's position as a result of blood circulation to the brain affected. Sleeping position tilted to the left lead to someone having nightmares (nightmares). And do not sleep prone (stomach), God is very angry with such a sleeping position. While sleeping position for your spine backward by the disaster. It can suppress or oppress the spine.

Do not sleep too night, let alone stay up doing things that are not useful. "That the Messenger Rosululloh sholallahuallaihi wassalam hates to sleep the night before (Isha) and talk (which is not useful) afterward." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). That's not too late to sleep less have a bad impact on health. And recommended again that sleep is not an opponent with a magnet. So that the earth's magnetic currents flowing without interruption. And this position is suppose to bring a positive for the nervous system.

If you have been following what the Messenger of Allah, undoubtedly what is expected of sleep quality were obtained and maintained health. And when the blessed dawn was not overlooked by useless. (Annida / halalguide / medicalzone / asysyariah / Rahmadanil)