Thursday, October 29, 2009

AIDS epidemic in the World

AIDS epidemic in the World

The late 1970s - are currently
More than 22,000,000 People Killed

Twenty years after the first clinical evidence of decreased immune
have been reported, AIDS is most devastating disease ever
reported. Since the epidemic began, more than 60 million people infected with the virus
This ... this disease is the fourth largest killer in the world
-UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS

In 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that by the end of this century, 40 million people worldwide could be infected by the HIV virus that causes AIDS.
In December 2001, UNAIDS and WHO Program reported that, worldwide, 40 million people have been infected by the HIV virus. We can ensure that the World Health Organization is not happy because this has proven true.
AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - is a disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Virus Human Immune decline - HIV). The virus is spread through infected blood and sexual contact with an infected person (whether homosexual or heterosexual), and from mother to fetus. The AIDS virus has been isolated in 1984 by Dr. Richard Gallo of the U.S. National Cancer Institude, and Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute of Paris.
Currently, there is no cure for AIDS, although care has increased to the point where many in the medical field now believe that this disease is more chronic (chronic) and not switched off immediately. Elements of this vulnerable control is not stopping the spread of this disease, and in any case, is now estimated that in 2004, the mortality rate refers to the AIDS death rate has exceeded the Black Death, and the Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918. Dr. Ward Cates, formerly with the Centers for Disease Control in the book by David Chilton, entitled Power in the blood, that "Every person who has the least ability to look at the future, be able to see that the potential of this disease is worse compared to anything I've ever seen people humans before. "(Emphasis added).
AIDS appeared in Africa in the 1950s, may have originated from green monkeys, and believed to have been transmitted to humans when an infected monkeys by the HIV virus has infected lab worker. A steward who is gay in ten cities through unsafe sex, and the disease then began to spread rapidly in the gay community. There is now widespread in women and children, just as occurred among homosexual.
AIDS attacks the human immune system through three disease processes: immunodeficiency, Autoimmunity, and nervous system dysfunction.
Immunodeficiency caused by AIDS causing infections and cancer drift attacking the body, and because the immune system becomes weak, damaged, or not working properly. Therefore, the body can not fight it.
Autoimmunity caused by AIDS is marked by a decrease in the number of pieces of blood, which in turn causes the organ does not function properly, as well as susceptibility to disease.
AIDS also attack the nervous system, although the perpetrators of the research has not found any specific dementia caused by AIDS, and believes that it is associated with nerve damage caused by the HIV virus.
Common disease in AIDS patients include pneumonia, Kaposi sarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels), lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes), as well as with various cancers and other infections. Treatment is now directed to slow the spread of the virus in the body and improve the quality of life of patients with infections and how to treat cancers caused by AIDS.
The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta have reported the alarming statistical data following the report in June 2001.

• At present, 40 million people are estimated to live with HIV / AIDS. Of this amount 37.2 million are adults, 17.6 million are women, and 2.7 million are children under the age of fifteen years
• During the year 2001, AIDS is estimated to have caused the death of 3 million people, including 1.1 million women and 580,000 children under the age of fifteen years
• Women become more vulnerable to HIV. An estimated 48 percent or 17.6 million of the 37.2 million adults living with HIV or AIDS worldwide are women
• Most people living with HIV - about 95 percent of the total - now live in developing countries

AIDS is a hot topic in industrial countries high income. Sexual nature of its spread, and the fact that the disease appeared for the first time in the case of homosexuals, has brought the anti-gay sentiment is strong ¬ from the conservatives, and those who believe that their religion says homosexuality is wrong. Many people believe that AIDS is a punishment from God, so that they are struggling to encourage use of condoms and safe sex education, and believes that only through the cessation of homosexual practice was going to eliminate this disease from the world. This view is somewhat narrow-minded, because many people are infected at this time are heterosexual women, children, people who received blood transfuse infected, and a user of prohibited drugs is too late a needle into the vein.
Whatever the means of spreading the HIV virus or the social group most affected, the reality is that AIDS is one of the worst pandemic mankind pernahy hit. If the virus mutates so that it can be transmitted through the air, then AIDS is very easy to destroy life on earth.
Need for a vaccine and a cure is very important, because we can not ensure that AIDS will destroy itself, as is the case with the Black Death and influenza.

1 AIDS began to surface in the late 1970s, although the United States principal research could trace it back to the blood sample in the 1950s
UNAIDS Program reported 2 deaths due to AIDS as much as 2.8 million people in 1999, and in its final report, 3 million deaths from AIDS have occurred worldwide in 2001. Allegedly, in the future increase in mortality rates and a pandemic is predicted to be fatal in higher numbers in the world.
3 Rebecca J. Frey, (Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine)
Observation Reports 4 HIV / AIDS, 2002

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