Impact of Results The use of Genetic Engineering?
* Mangku Sitepoe
Dolly the sheep was born on July 5, 1996 announced on February 23, 1997 by the journal Nature. On January 4, 2002 in front of the reporters stated that sheep develop arthritis in the left rear leg near the hip and knee or suffering from arthritis. (Kompas, 5/1/02) birth of Dolly the sheep thanks to technological advances of genetic engineering is called cloning by graft genes from the udder cell into an ovum sheep milk (sheep egg cell) from the parent itself.
Eggs that have been transplanted in the womb nurtured the sheep, after a period pregnancy achieved the birth of the sheep named Dolly. So the sheep Dolly was born without the presence of the male sheep, as if like a piece of cassava sticks planted in the soil that would grow is called grafting. Since the birth of the sheep Dolly grow and develop in a healthy state, but after nearly six years began to emerge arthritis described in the presence of journalists.
Becomes the question: Why did the sheep Dolly was suffering from arthritis just announced to the entire face of the Earth?
Produced Dolly the sheep from the results of the gene or gene transplants that one transferred to another gene. Displacement associated genes. Type of disease found by B. Prusiner SB, 1986 is classified as a prion disease; in sheep called scrapie disease in 1787, can be transmitted to cattle-called mad cow disease in 1986. Mad cow disease can be transmitted to human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease new variant (nv CJD) in 1996. While traditional CJD found in the year 1922.
There is one more type of disease in humans called kuru disease is also caused by prions, in 1957. Prion disease, also called "interference of the gene", can be triggered if the cannibalism.
Concerns prion disease gene or disease after 200 years and then became a reality, That from 1787 to 1986. So too it is with worry arthritis suffered by the sheep Dolly, six years after emerging. The incubation period of disease scrapie in sheep 1.5 to four years, mad cow disease four to eight years, and the disease kuru in humans eight to 20 years. Does arthritis found in the sheep Dolly, after six years is also a disease of genes or arise from the use of genetic engineering?
This question comes after the experience of the prion diseases like mad cow disease in the UK put forward by B. Prusiner SB in 1986.
Concerns arthritis Dolly the sheep is caused by the use of genetic engineering also supported by some results of animal experiments:
Experiment Guff BL (1985), the use of human growth genes to the embryo, is expected to appear good condition it comes to blind, immunosupresif, arthritis, indigestion, and others.
Similarly, research Arfad Putzai (1998) using the raw transgenic potatoes was given to mice given indigestion symptoms, immunosuppressive, stunt, and the presence of arthritis.
Does arthritis in sheep Dolly, after six years of his birth caused by the use of genetic engineering? still doubt the truth. Although the experiment Arfad Putzai opposed by many experts around the world about the accuracy of the study, but British Prime Minister stated that review of the terms of use biotechnology products in the UK. The second experiment is the fact that the negative impact caused by the use of GMOs.
The only health problems as a negative impact or actual use of the results of genetic engineering (GMO), in humans who have proven is that allergic reactions. But, well known that the gene causing allergic reactions throughout the instant genes and gene products withdrawn from circulation, so to say so far not been found again the negative impact caused health problems in the use of GMOs in humans.
As stated by Wallase, 2000, that no one on this earth wants to be an animal experiment on the use of GMO products. As for animals and some animal experiments have also found in the field such as the use of GMOs in crops used as feed material subject butterfly larvae cause indigestion king, became finally midget butterfly larvae died.
The findings in the field of death cases butterfly larvae that ate the feed material GMO products and research results provide Arfad Putzai concerns about the provision of genetic engineering to animals and humans in the raw state. Other real forms of the use of genetic engineering that has been found is that environmental disturbance of seed plants that use genetic engineering to produce pesticides. After the adult plant pest-resistant transgenic plants to die and fall to the ground. Bacteria and other micro-organism found in the soil has experienced the death of plants. Reality on the ground that the results will transgenic deadly micro-organism in the soil so that in the long run will give feared disruption of soil structure and texture. It is feared that the crop area transgenetik after many years will bring the desert. In reality the nature of the so-called GMO cross-pollination. Transgenic plant genes can be to cross-pollination with other plants, resulting in the emergence of new plants that can resistant genes resistant to pest and disease. Cross-polination can occur at a distance of 600 meters to one kilometer from the area of transgenic crops. So for transgenic crop area narrow and bordered by weeds is feared to rise the new weed that is also resistant to certain crop pests.
Use of hormones derived bovinesomatotropine result of genetic engineering can increase milk production reaches 40 percent of production is usually; as well as porcine somatotropin can increase the production of pork 25 percent of daily gain ever.
However, these two will produce a byproduct of insulin growth factor I (IGF-I) are often found in the blood and in the flesh, liver, and in the milk. Eating IGF I will give concern the risk of diabetes, AIDS and diseases resistant to antibiotics in humans, while the cow will give the risk of mad cow disease and inflammatory diseases mammary gland (mastitis).
Concerns the emergence of a negative impact on the economic use of GMO seeds are produced by genetic engineering is even called the stock final with seed making suicide fears of a monopoly. Efficiency concerns the use of GMOs, for example, in Mexico use the bovinesomatothropine cow milk production increased 25 percent but increased use of feed that the absence of efficiency.
Similarly, concerns planting Bt cotton in South Sulawesi Province to increase production three times, but when the subsidies are withdrawn suppliers remain efficient? Fears of the demise of commodities compete when canola oil is produced by genetic engineering could increase oil production a hundred times it will become extinct planting oil-producing crops such as coconut and palm oil.
Similarly, genetic engineering technology have been produced with varying degrees of sugar sweetness of the sugar thousand times normally, then the destruction of dikekhawatirkan sugar producing plants.
Concerns the emergence of a negative impact on the social use of GMOs is religion, for Muslims the use of gene transplanted into the food product will cause concern for the Muslims. The use of animal genes in food genetically engineered to consume a concern for those who are vegetarians.
Ajinomoto case in Indonesia in early 2001, Ajinomoto flavor pigs suspected of using the elements in the process creating one of the enzyme. The making of this enzyme can use genetic engineering using genes. All products that allegedly Ajinomoto using pig element in the process of making enzyme withdrawn from circulation.
The whole human cloning is a concern of humanity that will destroy human values. Animal genes were crossed with human genes will provide derivatives as animals, which is clearly lower values of humanity.
Concerns the emergence of the negative impact of the use of GMOs in Indonesia, Indonesia has imported various commodities are expected as a result of genetic engineering or contaminated with GMOs, came from countries that have used genetic engineering technology. Starting from plants, food and feed, medicines, hormones, flowers, timber, plantation, livestock and others suspected to contain GMOs or GMO contamination.
Habits will encourage the emergence of fears of negative impact of the use of genetic engineering
Disturbance to the environment
Planting patterns of agricultural products in Indonesia, a small area surrounded by a variety of weeds, with the nature of cross-GMO polination it is feared a new weeds will appear more resistant.
Without burning the rest of GMO crops would destroy the soil micro-organism in the former planting GMO crops due to the nature of the rest of nature toksis GMO. Long term will change the structure and texture of the soil.
The nature of GMO crops that can kill the larvae of butterflies, will give concern butterfly extinction in South Sulawesi. As we all know the famous South Sulawesi with the butterfly.
Disruption of health.
The only health problems due to the use of genetic engineering is already allergic reactions can be proved. The habit of eating meat, in Indonesia, has its own peculiarities in meat consumption patterns, there is no cow body parts that are not consumed. When cows injected with bovinesomatotropin, resulted in increased levels of IGF-I is very high in the blood and liver. For areas that use blood as food as well as taking the heart (the heart of Indonesia to import five million pounds from countries that use GMOs) provides concerns the emergence of the negative impact the use of GMOs.
Indonesia's consumption habits Lalapan, ranging from cabbage, long beans, eggplant, basil, and so if derived from transgenic plants led to the feared negative effects such as butterfly larvae.
Habits in Indonesia using the raw bean sprouts, soybeans may be used that allegedly imported transgenic soybean, it is feared the emergence of negative impacts such as Arfad Putzai experiment.
Habits of cattle feed, the weeds, the remains of agricultural products when derived from transgenic plantation area may have contained GM will provide such worries Arfad Putzai experiment.
Indonesia dominated animal feed imported materials, both soybean and corn bungkil come from countries suspected of using GMOs that contain GMO ingredients. Kuntet chicken disease has been found in Indonesia, is feared because of the use of transgenic corn and soybeans as Arfad Putzai experiment.
Disruption of religion and ethics.
The use of drugs produced insulin from pig pancreas cell transplants into bacterial cells, as well xenotransplatation using transplanted pig heart valves into human heart to fear their Muslim.
Indonesia has imported two million tons of soybeans and 1.2 million tons of corn and many other commodities in 2000 are suspected to contain GMOs, so that Indonesia has certainly been taking the results of genetic engineering. However, until now has never reported any negative effects from the use of GMOs. Never mind the negative impact of detecting the use of GMOs, to detect whether the imported commodities containing GMOs have not been done in Indonesia. That's why we ventured to put forward allegations concern the emergence of the negative impact the use of genetically engineered products in Indonesia
Dr. drh Mangku Sitepoe Former Staff Director General of Livestock Feed Concentrates Section
Note: Problem death of Dolly, the sheep was born as a genetic engineering interesting. Obtained from other sources also informed that the age dolly was born, the same as actual age of the cell. So, even though new born, he's really old. Genetic engineering is also interesting, that the system information from within a single cell is holographic. It means providing information to the overall from being whole. A piece of leaf cells, providing complete information about the tree itself. These facts are interesting knowledge.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
90,800 People Died As a result UK Alcohol Consumption (20/10/2009)
LONDON - Alcoholic beverages are expected to be the cause of death of approximately 90,800 people in the UK in the next 10 years.
This was based on a study conducted the University of the West of England, as reported by ITN, Tuesday (20/10/2009). In the study, revealed increased alcohol consumption from year to year increase among the people.
The number of 90,800 people who died were, can be prevented if the child could be reduced consumption. Deaths from alcohol consumption has been increasing since 1984 until 2008. In 1984 the number of deaths due to alcohol when it reached 3054, while in 2008 increased to 8999 people.
"It's now two years since there was a slight decrease in alcohol consumption and deaths from alcohol, but actually kept the overall increase since 1984," said CEO of the University of the West of England, Alcohol Concern chief executive Don Shenker.
The price of alcoholic beverages are increasingly affordable without a strict policy, according to Shenker would make English the state's biggest health problems due to alcohol effects.
In the meantime, Brigid Simmonds, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said that all alcohol-related policies have been designed in such a way as to reduce the consumption of liquor in the community.
"What we need is a new debate about the policy effective, targeted," he said.
England is known as the country with the largest alcoholic beverage consumption in Europe. One of three men and one in five British women drink alcohol in the British imposed limits. (STF)
This was based on a study conducted the University of the West of England, as reported by ITN, Tuesday (20/10/2009). In the study, revealed increased alcohol consumption from year to year increase among the people.
The number of 90,800 people who died were, can be prevented if the child could be reduced consumption. Deaths from alcohol consumption has been increasing since 1984 until 2008. In 1984 the number of deaths due to alcohol when it reached 3054, while in 2008 increased to 8999 people.
"It's now two years since there was a slight decrease in alcohol consumption and deaths from alcohol, but actually kept the overall increase since 1984," said CEO of the University of the West of England, Alcohol Concern chief executive Don Shenker.
The price of alcoholic beverages are increasingly affordable without a strict policy, according to Shenker would make English the state's biggest health problems due to alcohol effects.
In the meantime, Brigid Simmonds, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said that all alcohol-related policies have been designed in such a way as to reduce the consumption of liquor in the community.
"What we need is a new debate about the policy effective, targeted," he said.
England is known as the country with the largest alcoholic beverage consumption in Europe. One of three men and one in five British women drink alcohol in the British imposed limits. (STF)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Physiotherapy Treatment
Disease or any health problems that can be cured or helped by physiotherapy?
* Disturbances in the joints or muscles eg: pergal pain rheumatic pain, stiff, swollen due to sprains / strain, rheumatic, back pain, neck pain, etc..
* Muscle paralysis due to disruption / damage to the nerves, for example: stroke, Perot's face, paralysis of limb muscles (due to accident / infection)
* Disturbance of breath, such as: shortness of breath due to asthma, bronchitis (ISPA), shortness of breath due to obesity.
* Broken bones (legs, hands, or stiff joints) and as a result.
* Disturbance growth and development of children, for example: late road, physical disorders, disability, etc..
* Disturbance of heart function, eg: dekom coronary heart disease, heart muscle is less blood (AMI).
* Streamlining the process of labor, megembalikan postpartum body organs, improve the fertility of the womb, preventing a physical disorder of pregnant women (pregnancy exercise, gymnastics childbirth).
* Improve fitness and beauty by way of gymnastics (body language, aerobic, fresh breath, asthma, osteoporosis prevention, pilgrimage, stroke, elderly, SSI, heart, etc..)
* Disturbance due to surgery, for example: regional pain disorder surgery and joint movement around the operation.
How can Physiotherapy treat patients using natural energy benefits?
Depending on the type of disease on patients, therapists use a variety of medications, among others:
* Electrotherapy (medical electrical current stimulation)
* Thermotherapy (heating with electric field or magnetic fields)
* Actinotherapy (irradiation with infrared, ultraviolet, and laser)
* Manual therapy (manipulation treatment)
* Practice exercise (to restore the body's motion and functionality), Etc..
* Disturbances in the joints or muscles eg: pergal pain rheumatic pain, stiff, swollen due to sprains / strain, rheumatic, back pain, neck pain, etc..
* Muscle paralysis due to disruption / damage to the nerves, for example: stroke, Perot's face, paralysis of limb muscles (due to accident / infection)
* Disturbance of breath, such as: shortness of breath due to asthma, bronchitis (ISPA), shortness of breath due to obesity.
* Broken bones (legs, hands, or stiff joints) and as a result.
* Disturbance growth and development of children, for example: late road, physical disorders, disability, etc..
* Disturbance of heart function, eg: dekom coronary heart disease, heart muscle is less blood (AMI).
* Streamlining the process of labor, megembalikan postpartum body organs, improve the fertility of the womb, preventing a physical disorder of pregnant women (pregnancy exercise, gymnastics childbirth).
* Improve fitness and beauty by way of gymnastics (body language, aerobic, fresh breath, asthma, osteoporosis prevention, pilgrimage, stroke, elderly, SSI, heart, etc..)
* Disturbance due to surgery, for example: regional pain disorder surgery and joint movement around the operation.
How can Physiotherapy treat patients using natural energy benefits?
Depending on the type of disease on patients, therapists use a variety of medications, among others:
* Electrotherapy (medical electrical current stimulation)
* Thermotherapy (heating with electric field or magnetic fields)
* Actinotherapy (irradiation with infrared, ultraviolet, and laser)
* Manual therapy (manipulation treatment)
* Practice exercise (to restore the body's motion and functionality), Etc..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Making Fresh Banana Brain (net nutrient source)

In addition to nutrients contributed more than apples, bananas may also provide a quick energy when needed. Including when the brain is experiencing fatigue.
Snacks from the bananas are very popular for people in urban and rural. Various types of banana snack popular enough among other chips from Lampung, sale (Bandung), Molen (Bogor), and SPE (Makassar).
There are reports that bananas come from Southeast Asia, Brazil, and India. In Southeast Asia, bananas are believed to derive from Peninsular Malaysia and the Philippines. Bananas have long been grown in India, which since the year 500 BC and spread to the Pacific region.
Bananas thrive in the humid tropics, especially in the lowlands. Therefore, in the rain falls evenly throughout the year, banana production can take place without knowing the season. Not surprisingly, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, and Brazil known as the banana-exporting countries.
However, Indonesia is not included in the 15 largest countries in the world who consume bananas. Communities in African countries and Latin America known to be very high consumption of bananas each year.
Based on how consumption, bananas are grouped into two classes, namely banana and plantains. Banana is a banana is more often consumed in fresh form after the ripe fruit, for example ambon banana, milk, king, a thousand, and sunripe. Plantain bananas are consumed after being fried, boiled, baked, or compote, such as bananas kepok, Siamese, cotton, horn, and uli.
Bananas have a very good nutrient content, such as providing high energy compared with other fruits. Bananas rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Bananas also contain vitamins, namely C, B complex, B6, and serotonin is active as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain.
Instant Energy
Energy value of bananas around 136 calories for every 100 grams, which as a whole comes from carbohydrates. Energy value of banana twice higher than the apple. Apples with the same weight (100 grams) contains only 54 calories.
Carbohydrates provide energy bananas slightly slower than sugar and syrup, but much faster than rice, biscuits, and a kind of bread. Therefore, many athletes now taking a break or rest banana as energy reserves.
Energy content of banana is instant energy, which is easily available in a short time, so useful in providing a second calorie needs. Banana carbohydrate complex carbohydrate level is moderate and is available in stages, so as to provide energy in a time not too fast. Carbohydrate reserves the banana is a very good energy use and can be quickly available to the body.
Sugar banana is fruit sugar, which is composed of fructose which has a lower glycemic index than glucose, so that pretty well as a store of energy for a little more slowly metabolized. After working hard, or thinking, always arises drowsiness. This situation is a sign of brain energy shortage, so that the biological activity also decreased.
To conduct their activities, the brain needs energy in the form of glucose. Blood glucose is vital for the brain to function properly, such as expressed in the memory capacity. Glucose was mainly obtained from the brain blood circulation because of glycogen as a glucose reserve is very limited existence.
Blood glucose intake mainly derived from food sources of carbohydrates. Banana is the best alternative for providing energy in times of rest or pause, at the time of the brain in dire need of quick energy available for biological activity.
However, protein and fat content of bananas was not good and is very low, ie only 2.3 per cent and 0.13 per cent. However, fat and protein content of bananas are still higher than the apple, which is only 0.3 percent. Therefore, no need to fear of obesity despite consuming large quantities of bananas.
Mineral Rich
Bananas rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. When compared with other types of plant foods, bananas minerals, especially iron, is almost entirely (100 percent) can be absorbed by the body.
Based on the dry weight, iron content of bananas to 2 milligrams per 100 grams and 0.8 mg zinc. Compare with apples, which contains only 0.2 mg of iron and 0.1 mg of zinc to 100 grams weight.
Very high content of vitamins, especially provitamin A, ie beta-carotene, by 45 mg per 100 gram dry weight, while the apple is only 15 mg. Bananas also contain B vitamins, namely thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6 (piridoxin).
Banana vitamin B6 is high enough, in the amount of 0.5 mg per 100 grams. In addition to functioning as a coenzyme for several reactions in metabolism, vitamin B6 plays a role in protein synthesis and metabolism, especially serotonin. Serotonin is believed to play an active role as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain.
Vitamin B6 also plays a role in energy metabolism from carbohydrates. The role of vitamin B6 was clearly supports the availability of energy for the brain to everyday activities.
healthy food
Monday, November 30, 2009
Great Benefits Petai
may believe, can ill ... ... .. was:
You all must know that Petai (Pete) as
fruit that makes bad breath and smelly fart very
not good. But perhaps many of you do not
know that bananas contain natural sugars 3
sucrose, fructose and glucose
combined with fiber.
The combination of this content can provide encouragement
instantaneous power, but long enough and large enough
effect. Research has proven that just two bananas
provide enough energy to perform activities
weight for 90 minutes.
No wonder the banana is a fruit
preferred by the athletes. Research also
prove that the bananas do not only provide energy,
but also able to prevent even overcome some
kinds of illnesses and conditions. This makes petai
become one of the important foods in the diet
our daily lives.
According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst
patients suffering from depression, many people feel more
better after eating a banana. This is because bananas
contain tryptophan, a type of protein that is changed
body into serotonin. This is what will make
you relax, improve your mood and generally make
you feel happier.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
If you have PMS as 'guests' coming, you do not
need this pill or that, quite overcome with
eating a banana. Vitamin B6 a banana contains set
blood sugar levels, which can help the mood.
Containing a high iron, bananas can be
stimulates production of red blood cells and helps
if there is anemia.
High blood pressure
This unique tropical fruit is very high potassium, but
low in salt, making it perfect for fighting
blood pressure. So high that the U.S. FDA
allowed the banana industry to make claims
Official fruit's ability to reduce
the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) helped with
easily through their exams this year by eating bananas
at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research
has shown that the potassium-packed fruit
can assist learning by making pupils
more alert.
Because of the high in fiber, including bananas
restore normal bowel action,
help overcome the problem without
back to laksativ.
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) with ease through their exams this year by eating petai kerana during breakfast, a time-out, and the midday meal. The investigation has proved Wordpress petai fruits contain high potassium can help the learning process, he makes the students more closely and be careful.
One of the quickest ways to heal
"illness hangover is to make a banana milkshake, which
sweetened with honey. Pete will help to calm
stomach and with the help of honey will increase levels
blood sugar is falling, while the milk will soothe
and again to improve the level of fluid in the body.
Pete antacid effect in the body, so that if
Your chest feels hot due to overeating,
try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning sickness
Eat bananas between meals will help
maintain blood sugar levels and avoid vomiting.
Mosquito bites
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try to
rubbing the affected area with the bite
in a banana skin. Many people managed to cope with
itching and swelling in this way.
Pete B vitamins in large numbers, so
will help calm the nervous system.
Research at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found that the pressure at work leads
to gorging on comfort food like
chocolate and crisps. By looking at 5,000 patients
in the hospital, researchers found that most
obese were high-pressure jobs.
The report concluded that, to avoid lust
eat foods with panic, we need to control
blood sugar levels in snack foods with a high
carbohydrate every two hours to maintain
fixed levels.
The banana is used as food for treating
digestion because of its soft texture and smooth.
This fruit is the only raw fruit that can be
eaten without distress in some cases
severe. It also neutralizes acid
the stomach and reduces irritation by coating
surface of the stomach.
Regulate body temperature
Many other cultures see bananas as a fruit
'cold' that can reduce body temperature and emotions
expectant mothers their children. In Dutch
for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure
their baby is born with a cool temperature. Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) (emotional illness
chaotic). Bananas can help SAD sufferers because
contain the natural mood booster, tryptophan.
Bananas can also help people who want to quit smoking.
Vitamin B6 and B12 they contain, together with
potassium and magnesium, helps the body recover from the
effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to
normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain
and regulates body fluid balance. When we
stressed, our metabolic rate will increase,
that will reduce the levels of potassium in the body. This
This can be balanced with food aid
high-potassium petai.
According to research in "The New England Journal of
Medicine, "eating bananas as part of the food
daily will reduce the risk of death due to
stroke by 40%.
Those who like to turn on natural
swear that if you want to turn off the ticks,
take a piece of banana skin and place it in the louse.
Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster!
After reading all the above facts then you should
believe that the banana is a natural remedy for various
kinds of diseases. If you compare it with
apple, it has protein, 4 times more,
carbohydrate twice as much, three times
phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and
twice as many vitamins and minerals.
Bananas are also rich in potassium and is a fruit with a value
best food. So maybe now's the time you
change the words that had known about the apple
it becomes: "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away"
(eating a banana every day will keep you from
You all must know that Petai (Pete) as
fruit that makes bad breath and smelly fart very
not good. But perhaps many of you do not
know that bananas contain natural sugars 3
sucrose, fructose and glucose
combined with fiber.
The combination of this content can provide encouragement
instantaneous power, but long enough and large enough
effect. Research has proven that just two bananas
provide enough energy to perform activities
weight for 90 minutes.
No wonder the banana is a fruit
preferred by the athletes. Research also
prove that the bananas do not only provide energy,
but also able to prevent even overcome some
kinds of illnesses and conditions. This makes petai
become one of the important foods in the diet
our daily lives.
According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst
patients suffering from depression, many people feel more
better after eating a banana. This is because bananas
contain tryptophan, a type of protein that is changed
body into serotonin. This is what will make
you relax, improve your mood and generally make
you feel happier.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
If you have PMS as 'guests' coming, you do not
need this pill or that, quite overcome with
eating a banana. Vitamin B6 a banana contains set
blood sugar levels, which can help the mood.
Containing a high iron, bananas can be
stimulates production of red blood cells and helps
if there is anemia.
High blood pressure
This unique tropical fruit is very high potassium, but
low in salt, making it perfect for fighting
blood pressure. So high that the U.S. FDA
allowed the banana industry to make claims
Official fruit's ability to reduce
the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) helped with
easily through their exams this year by eating bananas
at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research
has shown that the potassium-packed fruit
can assist learning by making pupils
more alert.
Because of the high in fiber, including bananas
restore normal bowel action,
help overcome the problem without
back to laksativ.
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) with ease through their exams this year by eating petai kerana during breakfast, a time-out, and the midday meal. The investigation has proved Wordpress petai fruits contain high potassium can help the learning process, he makes the students more closely and be careful.
One of the quickest ways to heal
"illness hangover is to make a banana milkshake, which
sweetened with honey. Pete will help to calm
stomach and with the help of honey will increase levels
blood sugar is falling, while the milk will soothe
and again to improve the level of fluid in the body.
Pete antacid effect in the body, so that if
Your chest feels hot due to overeating,
try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning sickness
Eat bananas between meals will help
maintain blood sugar levels and avoid vomiting.
Mosquito bites
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try to
rubbing the affected area with the bite
in a banana skin. Many people managed to cope with
itching and swelling in this way.
Pete B vitamins in large numbers, so
will help calm the nervous system.
Research at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found that the pressure at work leads
to gorging on comfort food like
chocolate and crisps. By looking at 5,000 patients
in the hospital, researchers found that most
obese were high-pressure jobs.
The report concluded that, to avoid lust
eat foods with panic, we need to control
blood sugar levels in snack foods with a high
carbohydrate every two hours to maintain
fixed levels.
The banana is used as food for treating
digestion because of its soft texture and smooth.
This fruit is the only raw fruit that can be
eaten without distress in some cases
severe. It also neutralizes acid
the stomach and reduces irritation by coating
surface of the stomach.
Regulate body temperature
Many other cultures see bananas as a fruit
'cold' that can reduce body temperature and emotions
expectant mothers their children. In Dutch
for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure
their baby is born with a cool temperature. Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) (emotional illness
chaotic). Bananas can help SAD sufferers because
contain the natural mood booster, tryptophan.
Bananas can also help people who want to quit smoking.
Vitamin B6 and B12 they contain, together with
potassium and magnesium, helps the body recover from the
effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to
normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain
and regulates body fluid balance. When we
stressed, our metabolic rate will increase,
that will reduce the levels of potassium in the body. This
This can be balanced with food aid
high-potassium petai.
According to research in "The New England Journal of
Medicine, "eating bananas as part of the food
daily will reduce the risk of death due to
stroke by 40%.
Those who like to turn on natural
swear that if you want to turn off the ticks,
take a piece of banana skin and place it in the louse.
Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster!
After reading all the above facts then you should
believe that the banana is a natural remedy for various
kinds of diseases. If you compare it with
apple, it has protein, 4 times more,
carbohydrate twice as much, three times
phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and
twice as many vitamins and minerals.
Bananas are also rich in potassium and is a fruit with a value
best food. So maybe now's the time you
change the words that had known about the apple
it becomes: "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away"
(eating a banana every day will keep you from
healthy food
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Nuclear Accident Chernobyl
Chernobyl, Ukraine, Soviet Union

26 April 1986
31 People Killed (Initially)
335,000 people were evacuated
Reactor design from the point of security is bad, and difficult to operate. Both of these cause a dangerous operation.
- Atomic Energy Agency report in 1996 "Chernobyl Ten Years On"
A nuclear accident anywhere is a nuclear accident everywhere.
- From the 2001 NEA report, "Facts, Thoughts and Lesson from Chernobyl Accident."
Between 1990 and 1998, has been diagnosed cases as many as 1791 cases of mumps in children of Ukraine, who lived in the area around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant. The experts have connected all of these cancers with the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Expected to be found more and more cases.
Defects in design
Chernobyl nuclear power plant using a nuclear reactor known as the RBMK-1000, built and designed by the Soviets, and then until now not used anywhere in the world.
RMBK-1000 using graphite blocks instead of chilled water. This was developed for two reasons: to generate electricity, and also provide the level of weapons-grade plutonium for the Soviet Union consistently is one of the side products graphite system. During the cold war, the Soviet Union was determined to produce weapons of eg, the equivalent of a nuclear weapons program the United States. With plutonium supply continuously and reliable then the Soviet Union could continue to expand their nuclear weapons, and simultaneously provide electricity for their country.
However, problems with RBMK-1000, as stated in the report "Chernobyl Ten Years On," is that this design is very dangerous, and has no tolerance for operator error, also does not have an operational routine for installed security error. In short, the type of reactor cooling water losing, then the reactor was started to reduce the cleavage rate (energy production), this by itself trying to reduce the heat loss caused by cooling. In the RBMK-1000, if the system loses cooling water, it will trigger more rapid cleavage, and the core becomes hotter. This is really contrary to the ideal response to the reduction of cooling water, and many countries trying to convince the Soviet Union that could be said to play with fire (nuclear). It is clear that the Soviets were willing to take risks in order to obtain plutonium.
In addition to the risks inherent in the way of energy production in RBMK-1000 design, other issues on the reactor dome is the lack of shelter. All the reactors the United States has a steel concrete storage vault, which will prevent radioactive leakage into the atmosphere during nuclear accidents. The Soviet people have also been warned about this, but they chose not to do anything.
On 26 April 1985, at 1:24 AM, 4 units of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded. Happens twice a huge explosion in three seconds. Which has undermined the roof of the building. Radioactive gas, collapsed buildings, large material from the reactor building, has been thrown into the air as high as two-thirds of a mile (1 km). cut pieces of reactor fuel into a hot flying through the air and fell within a range of nearly reached a mile (1.6 km) away, lit a radioactive fire that lit the area.
Two workers were killed instantly, and twenty-nine people wallow, in the radiation so high that they could say from that moment been killed, although most of them are still alive for several weeks in the hospital, and suffering the final stages of extreme radiation poisoning it. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from the towns around it, countless animals are destroyed to avoid swallowing the meat that had been exposed to toxic radiation, and many European countries refuse shipment of rice from any area that is close to the Ukraine, asking the residents to wash all fruits and vegetables, although they are natives of their own country.
Chernobyl accident occurred because some workers tried to experiment and not officially low power, which includes the lethal action of emergency cooling system. By the time everyone realizes that the core becomes too hot, it was too late to reverse this process (they are not careful with letting the hot channel bend where fragments of fuel should be in there), the next thing they know is that the roof has flying, two people were killed, and a cloud of lethal gas had spread throughout the region.
Radioactivity from the Chernobyl explosion was detected until the end to the United States. Soviet leaders did not say a word about the explosion until two days later, on April 28th, when Swedish scientists reported an increase in atmospheric radioactive their own country, then tracked back to Chernobyl. Even after telling what had happened, the Soviet people did not have a way to respond to such a monumental disaster.
Chernobyl nuclear accident was the worst nuclear accident ever. The accident occurred shortly after the Three Mile Island accident, this only reinforced antinuclear movement, and has inspired many countries to create a new security regulations for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants are new.
As a long-term health effects, the spread of radiation from Chernobyl is estimated to result in hundreds of thousands of new cancer cases, and tens of thousands of them will end in death.
NEA report summarizes the impact of Chernobyl accident in the initial report in 2001:
The history of modern industry the world has been acting up time is affected by the disaster of equal or even more severe compared Chernobyl accident. However, this accident has a significant impact on human society. This not only causes severe health consequences, but also cause economic damage to industry and short-term and long-term consequences in terms of socio-economic turmoil, psychological distress, and destruction of nuclear energy picture. This is expected to last for a long time.
Fifteen years after the Chernobyl accident, the international community and trying to learn information to generalize this to the cases of smaller accidents. Hopefully, these lessons do not need to happen again in the incident with the size and scale of Chernobyl.*
* "Chernobyl Ten Years On." Nuclear Energy Agency, 1996.

26 April 1986
31 People Killed (Initially)
335,000 people were evacuated
Reactor design from the point of security is bad, and difficult to operate. Both of these cause a dangerous operation.
- Atomic Energy Agency report in 1996 "Chernobyl Ten Years On"
A nuclear accident anywhere is a nuclear accident everywhere.
- From the 2001 NEA report, "Facts, Thoughts and Lesson from Chernobyl Accident."
Between 1990 and 1998, has been diagnosed cases as many as 1791 cases of mumps in children of Ukraine, who lived in the area around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant. The experts have connected all of these cancers with the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Expected to be found more and more cases.
Defects in design
Chernobyl nuclear power plant using a nuclear reactor known as the RBMK-1000, built and designed by the Soviets, and then until now not used anywhere in the world.
RMBK-1000 using graphite blocks instead of chilled water. This was developed for two reasons: to generate electricity, and also provide the level of weapons-grade plutonium for the Soviet Union consistently is one of the side products graphite system. During the cold war, the Soviet Union was determined to produce weapons of eg, the equivalent of a nuclear weapons program the United States. With plutonium supply continuously and reliable then the Soviet Union could continue to expand their nuclear weapons, and simultaneously provide electricity for their country.
However, problems with RBMK-1000, as stated in the report "Chernobyl Ten Years On," is that this design is very dangerous, and has no tolerance for operator error, also does not have an operational routine for installed security error. In short, the type of reactor cooling water losing, then the reactor was started to reduce the cleavage rate (energy production), this by itself trying to reduce the heat loss caused by cooling. In the RBMK-1000, if the system loses cooling water, it will trigger more rapid cleavage, and the core becomes hotter. This is really contrary to the ideal response to the reduction of cooling water, and many countries trying to convince the Soviet Union that could be said to play with fire (nuclear). It is clear that the Soviets were willing to take risks in order to obtain plutonium.
In addition to the risks inherent in the way of energy production in RBMK-1000 design, other issues on the reactor dome is the lack of shelter. All the reactors the United States has a steel concrete storage vault, which will prevent radioactive leakage into the atmosphere during nuclear accidents. The Soviet people have also been warned about this, but they chose not to do anything.
On 26 April 1985, at 1:24 AM, 4 units of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded. Happens twice a huge explosion in three seconds. Which has undermined the roof of the building. Radioactive gas, collapsed buildings, large material from the reactor building, has been thrown into the air as high as two-thirds of a mile (1 km). cut pieces of reactor fuel into a hot flying through the air and fell within a range of nearly reached a mile (1.6 km) away, lit a radioactive fire that lit the area.
Two workers were killed instantly, and twenty-nine people wallow, in the radiation so high that they could say from that moment been killed, although most of them are still alive for several weeks in the hospital, and suffering the final stages of extreme radiation poisoning it. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from the towns around it, countless animals are destroyed to avoid swallowing the meat that had been exposed to toxic radiation, and many European countries refuse shipment of rice from any area that is close to the Ukraine, asking the residents to wash all fruits and vegetables, although they are natives of their own country.
Chernobyl accident occurred because some workers tried to experiment and not officially low power, which includes the lethal action of emergency cooling system. By the time everyone realizes that the core becomes too hot, it was too late to reverse this process (they are not careful with letting the hot channel bend where fragments of fuel should be in there), the next thing they know is that the roof has flying, two people were killed, and a cloud of lethal gas had spread throughout the region.
Radioactivity from the Chernobyl explosion was detected until the end to the United States. Soviet leaders did not say a word about the explosion until two days later, on April 28th, when Swedish scientists reported an increase in atmospheric radioactive their own country, then tracked back to Chernobyl. Even after telling what had happened, the Soviet people did not have a way to respond to such a monumental disaster.
Chernobyl reactor finally put into a concrete structure, known as the sarcophagus. More than six hundred thousand workers, known as the "liquidator" working to clean the reactor and the construction of the sarcophagus. Cement layer of poorly built, and began to leak radiation several years after construction is completed. The more work done to ensure robustness it, but its safety is still questionable.
Chernobyl nuclear accident was the worst nuclear accident ever. The accident occurred shortly after the Three Mile Island accident, this only reinforced antinuclear movement, and has inspired many countries to create a new security regulations for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants are new.
As a long-term health effects, the spread of radiation from Chernobyl is estimated to result in hundreds of thousands of new cancer cases, and tens of thousands of them will end in death.
NEA report summarizes the impact of Chernobyl accident in the initial report in 2001:
The history of modern industry the world has been acting up time is affected by the disaster of equal or even more severe compared Chernobyl accident. However, this accident has a significant impact on human society. This not only causes severe health consequences, but also cause economic damage to industry and short-term and long-term consequences in terms of socio-economic turmoil, psychological distress, and destruction of nuclear energy picture. This is expected to last for a long time.
Fifteen years after the Chernobyl accident, the international community and trying to learn information to generalize this to the cases of smaller accidents. Hopefully, these lessons do not need to happen again in the incident with the size and scale of Chernobyl.*
* "Chernobyl Ten Years On." Nuclear Energy Agency, 1996.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This Five Facts Concerning The Human Body
The human body was created by God with all the advantages. A recent study in Brisbane, Australia, shows there are five facts about the human body. These facts may not yet well known. These five facts are:
1. The Human Body Can Produce Aspirin
Eat fruits and vegetables can make the human body to produce aspirin. This fact was discovered through a journal of food and vegetables. In fruits are benzoic acid, a natural substance that can produce salicylic acid which acts as immunity and painkiller.
2. Sleep Day At Work Good for the Body
Take a nap for 20 minutes can double the brain, improving mood, and creativity. William Anthony, an author of the book, The Art of napping at Work, says napping can help work your heart and refresh tired minds at work.
3. Ejaculation Can Make Men Sneeze
Some events such as headache or sneezing is the result of ejaculation. Thus any activity that increases with anxiety can spur the emergence of a headache. Sneezing is also influenced by the workings of the brain that are not stable. All the outdoor activities are also potentially create a human virus.
4. Everybody Has a Unique Tongue Prints
Like fingers, the tongue is a unique organ. The tongue can be changed when the mouth is moved. However, every human being has a unique tongue print. The tongue also indicates a satisfying and tastes.
5. Body Higher Than in the Morning Day Evening
The size of the human body can be changed but not stable. If you exercise, like playing basketball in the morning, then the height can be increased even in a moment. And at night, keep your height in normal circumstances.
Believe it or not? Can you prove yourself.
1. The Human Body Can Produce Aspirin
Eat fruits and vegetables can make the human body to produce aspirin. This fact was discovered through a journal of food and vegetables. In fruits are benzoic acid, a natural substance that can produce salicylic acid which acts as immunity and painkiller.
2. Sleep Day At Work Good for the Body
Take a nap for 20 minutes can double the brain, improving mood, and creativity. William Anthony, an author of the book, The Art of napping at Work, says napping can help work your heart and refresh tired minds at work.
3. Ejaculation Can Make Men Sneeze
Some events such as headache or sneezing is the result of ejaculation. Thus any activity that increases with anxiety can spur the emergence of a headache. Sneezing is also influenced by the workings of the brain that are not stable. All the outdoor activities are also potentially create a human virus.
4. Everybody Has a Unique Tongue Prints
Like fingers, the tongue is a unique organ. The tongue can be changed when the mouth is moved. However, every human being has a unique tongue print. The tongue also indicates a satisfying and tastes.
5. Body Higher Than in the Morning Day Evening
The size of the human body can be changed but not stable. If you exercise, like playing basketball in the morning, then the height can be increased even in a moment. And at night, keep your height in normal circumstances.
Believe it or not? Can you prove yourself.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The entry of drugs will affect vital functions of body organs, namely the heart, circulatory, respiratory, and especially in the brain (central nervous system). This can cause the brain to change (can be increased or decreased)
Drugs which would be swallowed into the stomach and then into the blood vessels. If inhaled, the substance is absorbed into the blood vessels through the nasal tract and lungs. Meanwhile, if entered through the body through injection, the substance directly into the bloodstream, the blood then take it to the brain substance.
Drug effect on the brain responsible for feelings of life, which is called the limbus system. Pleasure center in the brain (hypothalamus) is part of the system limbus. Drugs lead to feelings of 'high' by changing the biochemical composition of molecules on brain cells called Nero-transmitter.
Myth: "If it feels good, do it!"
Approximately rough language that the brain when working. Our brains are equipped with tools to strengthen a sense of pleasure and avoid pain or uncomfortable. This helps us meet basic human needs such as hunger, thirst, warmth, and sleep. This mechanism called self-defense mechanism.
If it feels good to remove a brain Neuro-transmitters that convey the message: "This substance is useful for the body's defense mechanisms. So, repeat usage! "
If taking drugs, the brain to read our response. We'll feel good as if our needs such as hunger had been satisfied. Recording brain as something that should be sought as a priority.
The reality: As a result, the brain makes the wrong programs, like learning brain cells in the pleasure centers as if we do need drugs as a defense mechanism. Then there was addictive!
Drug abuse (use outside of medical purposes, and just to enjoy the effects) if followed continuously will cause dependency. After that will cause problems both physical and spiritual health. Will further the cause of death in vain. Futile if not dead just because drugs?!
The entry of drugs will affect vital functions of body organs, namely the heart, circulatory, respiratory, and especially in the brain (central nervous system). This can cause the brain to change (can be increased or decreased)
Drugs which would be swallowed into the stomach and then into the blood vessels. If inhaled, the substance is absorbed into the blood vessels through the nasal tract and lungs. Meanwhile, if entered through the body through injection, the substance directly into the bloodstream, the blood then take it to the brain substance.
Drug effect on the brain responsible for feelings of life, which is called the limbus system. Pleasure center in the brain (hypothalamus) is part of the system limbus. Drugs lead to feelings of 'high' by changing the biochemical composition of molecules on brain cells called Nero-transmitter.
Myth: "If it feels good, do it!"
Approximately rough language that the brain when working. Our brains are equipped with tools to strengthen a sense of pleasure and avoid pain or uncomfortable. This helps us meet basic human needs such as hunger, thirst, warmth, and sleep. This mechanism called self-defense mechanism.
If it feels good to remove a brain Neuro-transmitters that convey the message: "This substance is useful for the body's defense mechanisms. So, repeat usage! "
If taking drugs, the brain to read our response. We'll feel good as if our needs such as hunger had been satisfied. Recording brain as something that should be sought as a priority.
The reality: As a result, the brain makes the wrong programs, like learning brain cells in the pleasure centers as if we do need drugs as a defense mechanism. Then there was addictive!
Drug abuse (use outside of medical purposes, and just to enjoy the effects) if followed continuously will cause dependency. After that will cause problems both physical and spiritual health. Will further the cause of death in vain. Futile if not dead just because drugs?!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Natural cruelty unspeakable
From "London Telegraph"
February 13, 2002
Millions of butterflies killed by a strange storm
by Ronald Buchanan, Mexico City
Scientists yesterday reported that hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies have died in a bizarre snowstorm in the mountains of Mexico, where these butterflies stay here every winter, after flying as far as 3000 miles (4800 km).
The U.S. and Mexican researchers estimate that as many as 270 million butterflies tails helpless polluted soil, after a storm last month in the pine forest, west of Mexico City.
"I've never seen anything like this," he said. Lincoln Brower, an American zoologist who has been monitoring this migration for 25 years.
Annual flight of this butterfly from the east, the direction Canada is far away, has been regarded as one of the great migrations in the animal world.
They descended into the forest in the form of large orange cloud every November.
Since their arrival coincided with the Feast of the Dead in Mexico, so many villagers who believed that these butterflies represent the spirits of their ancestors.
February 13, 2002
Millions of butterflies killed by a strange storm
by Ronald Buchanan, Mexico City
Scientists yesterday reported that hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies have died in a bizarre snowstorm in the mountains of Mexico, where these butterflies stay here every winter, after flying as far as 3000 miles (4800 km).
The U.S. and Mexican researchers estimate that as many as 270 million butterflies tails helpless polluted soil, after a storm last month in the pine forest, west of Mexico City.
"I've never seen anything like this," he said. Lincoln Brower, an American zoologist who has been monitoring this migration for 25 years.
Annual flight of this butterfly from the east, the direction Canada is far away, has been regarded as one of the great migrations in the animal world.
They descended into the forest in the form of large orange cloud every November.
Since their arrival coincided with the Feast of the Dead in Mexico, so many villagers who believed that these butterflies represent the spirits of their ancestors.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A drug user will demonstrate attitudes and habits that differ from the usual. Eg
Change attitudes
Often lie Frequently expressed reasons for its actions
Often offended and quick to anger
Against parents
Indifferent to the environment
Do not want to care for family rules
Began to forget the routine responsibilities at home
Lazy grooming
Change habits
Hard up in the morning
Often alone and linger in room
Often go home after midnight
Often go to discos, malls, or partying
Often stay at home friends
Often carry eye drops
Often eating gum or menthol to eliminate bad breath
Stealing money and goods in their own homes
Perhaps frequent coughing prolonged
Listening to loud music
Nice to wear dark glasses
Does not allow parents in their room
In his room, candles or air freshener
Rooms should not be examined or always locked
The more often follow family activities
Changing friends and rarely want to introduce friends to family
The signs that we notice the bias of a drug user in the school environment is as follows:
Change attitudes and behavior
Easy offended and irritable at school
Slow to respond forgetful, apathetic or indifferent
Increased behavior problems
Attention to the environment there is no
Often sleepy during school hours last
Achievement in school sudden drastic decrease
Decrease in short-term memory, and attention span concentrate
Loss of motivation, interest, effort, participation in school activities
Complained that the family considered too disciplined at home
Lack of participation in school and extracurricular activities
Tends to ignore the rules
Change habits
Occasionally found in a drunken state, talking lisp and stagger
Often late to class after recess
Leaving hobby-old hobby
Started hanging out with kids is something wrong at school
Often borrow money at a friend
Changing styles of dress and do not care about cleanliness
Old friends abandoned
Often late to school on the grounds late getting out of bed
Often do not pay tuition fees (reported missing)
Consider whether the symptoms were only seen occasionally, a few days, or all the time. If it's every day so that means he's never been caught in drugs.
The smell of marijuana (like burnt rope) in room or on clothing
Incense, incense, or the room smell remover
Eye drops, mouthwashes
Marijuana cigarettes (rolled and twisted or rolled)
Powder, seeds or seeds, leaves, plants, fungi
Paper or tablet
Capstan cigarette paper
Pipe, filter pipe, screen, sieve
Grappling hook to hold the tip from the bondage of marijuana
Water pipe "bongs" (usually glass or plastic)
Small spoons, straws, razor, mirror (for use with heroin or cocaine)
Bottles, boxes, cans or who do not normally or locked boxes
Plastic bag or small glass bottle
Books related to psychoactive substances pamphlets or brochures.
A drug user will demonstrate attitudes and habits that differ from the usual. Eg
Change attitudes
Often lie Frequently expressed reasons for its actions
Often offended and quick to anger
Against parents
Indifferent to the environment
Do not want to care for family rules
Began to forget the routine responsibilities at home
Lazy grooming
Change habits
Hard up in the morning
Often alone and linger in room
Often go home after midnight
Often go to discos, malls, or partying
Often stay at home friends
Often carry eye drops
Often eating gum or menthol to eliminate bad breath
Stealing money and goods in their own homes
Perhaps frequent coughing prolonged
Listening to loud music
Nice to wear dark glasses
Does not allow parents in their room
In his room, candles or air freshener
Rooms should not be examined or always locked
The more often follow family activities
Changing friends and rarely want to introduce friends to family
The signs that we notice the bias of a drug user in the school environment is as follows:
Change attitudes and behavior
Easy offended and irritable at school
Slow to respond forgetful, apathetic or indifferent
Increased behavior problems
Attention to the environment there is no
Often sleepy during school hours last
Achievement in school sudden drastic decrease
Decrease in short-term memory, and attention span concentrate
Loss of motivation, interest, effort, participation in school activities
Complained that the family considered too disciplined at home
Lack of participation in school and extracurricular activities
Tends to ignore the rules
Change habits
Occasionally found in a drunken state, talking lisp and stagger
Often late to class after recess
Leaving hobby-old hobby
Started hanging out with kids is something wrong at school
Often borrow money at a friend
Changing styles of dress and do not care about cleanliness
Old friends abandoned
Often late to school on the grounds late getting out of bed
Often do not pay tuition fees (reported missing)
Consider whether the symptoms were only seen occasionally, a few days, or all the time. If it's every day so that means he's never been caught in drugs.
The smell of marijuana (like burnt rope) in room or on clothing
Incense, incense, or the room smell remover
Eye drops, mouthwashes
Marijuana cigarettes (rolled and twisted or rolled)
Powder, seeds or seeds, leaves, plants, fungi
Paper or tablet
Capstan cigarette paper
Pipe, filter pipe, screen, sieve
Grappling hook to hold the tip from the bondage of marijuana
Water pipe "bongs" (usually glass or plastic)
Small spoons, straws, razor, mirror (for use with heroin or cocaine)
Bottles, boxes, cans or who do not normally or locked boxes
Plastic bag or small glass bottle
Books related to psychoactive substances pamphlets or brochures.