Wednesday, May 19, 2010


is the yarn structure in the cell nucleus which is responsible in terms of offspring (heredity). Chromosomes are typical for living things.

GEN is the "substance of heredity," located in the chromosome.

Genes are among others:
- As a separate matter contained in the chromosome.
- Contains information on genetics.
- Able to replicate themselves in the events of cell division.

A pair of chromosomes is "homologous" to each other, meaning that the locus containing the corresponding genes, called ALELA.

Locus is the location for the gene in the chromosome.
Allele DOUBLE (MULTIPLE ALLELES) is that there is more than one allele at the same loci.

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Known two kinds of chromosomes, namely:

1. Body chromosomes (autosomes).
2. Sex chromosomes / chromosomal sex (Gonosom).

Thomas Hunt Morgan
is a United States geneticist who discovered that the descendants of factors (genes) are stored in a unique locus in the chromosome.

Attempt to have this done on fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) with the following reasons:

- Quickly multiply,
- Easily obtained and maintained,
- Quickly become adults (age 10-14 days was de ~ adult),
- Flies many females lay eggs,
- Only has four pairs of chromosomes, making it easy examined.

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