Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Making Fresh Banana Brain (net nutrient source)

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In addition to nutrients contributed more than apples, bananas may also provide a quick energy when needed.
Including when the brain is experiencing fatigue.

Snacks from the bananas are very popular for people in urban and rural. Various types of banana snack popular enough among other chips from Lampung, sale (Bandung), Molen (Bogor), and SPE (Makassar).

There are reports that bananas come from Southeast Asia, Brazil, and India. In Southeast Asia, bananas are believed to derive from Peninsular Malaysia and the Philippines. Bananas have long been grown in India, which since the year 500 BC and spread to the Pacific region.

Bananas thrive in the humid tropics, especially in the lowlands. Therefore, in the rain falls evenly throughout the year, banana production can take place without knowing the season. Not surprisingly, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, and Brazil known as the banana-exporting countries.

However, Indonesia is not included in the 15 largest countries in the world who consume bananas. Communities in African countries and Latin America known to be very high consumption of bananas each year.

Based on how consumption, bananas are grouped into two classes, namely banana and plantains. Banana is a banana is more often consumed in fresh form after the ripe fruit, for example ambon banana, milk, king, a thousand, and sunripe. Plantain bananas are consumed after being fried, boiled, baked, or
compote, such as bananas kepok, Siamese, cotton, horn, and uli.

Bananas have a very good nutrient content, such as providing high energy compared with other fruits. Bananas rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Bananas also contain vitamins, namely C, B complex, B6, and serotonin is active as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain.

Instant Energy
Energy value of bananas around 136 calories for every 100 grams, which as a whole comes from carbohydrates. Energy value of banana twice higher than the apple. Apples with the same weight (100 grams) contains only 54 calories.

Carbohydrates provide energy bananas slightly slower than sugar and syrup, but much faster than rice, biscuits, and a kind of bread. Therefore, many athletes now taking a break or rest banana as energy reserves.

Energy content of banana is instant energy, which is easily available in a short time, so useful in providing a second calorie needs. Banana carbohydrate complex carbohydrate level is moderate and is available in stages, so as to provide energy in a time not too fast. Carbohydrate reserves the banana is a very good energy use and can be quickly available to the body.

Sugar banana is fruit sugar, which is composed of fructose which has a lower glycemic index than glucose, so that pretty well as a store of energy for a little more slowly metabolized. After working hard, or thinking, always arises drowsiness. This situation is a sign of brain energy shortage, so that the biological activity also decreased.

To conduct their activities, the brain needs energy in the form of glucose. Blood glucose is vital for the brain to function properly, such as expressed in the memory capacity. Glucose was mainly obtained from the brain blood circulation because of glycogen as a glucose reserve is very limited existence.

Blood glucose intake mainly derived from food sources of carbohydrates. Banana is the best alternative for providing energy in times of rest or pause, at the time of the brain in dire need of quick energy available for biological activity.

However, protein and fat content of bananas was not good and is very low, ie only 2.3 per cent and 0.13 per cent. However, fat and protein content of bananas are still higher than the apple, which is only 0.3 percent. Therefore, no need to fear of obesity despite consuming large quantities of bananas.

Mineral Rich
Bananas rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. When compared with other types of plant foods, bananas minerals, especially iron, is almost entirely (100 percent) can be absorbed by the body.
Based on the dry weight, iron content of bananas to 2 milligrams per 100 grams and 0.8 mg zinc. Compare with apples, which contains only 0.2 mg of iron and 0.1 mg of zinc to 100 grams weight.

Very high content of vitamins, especially provitamin A, ie beta-carotene, by 45 mg per 100 gram dry weight, while the apple is only 15 mg. Bananas also contain B vitamins, namely thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6 (piridoxin).

Banana vitamin B6 is high enough, in the amount of 0.5 mg per 100 grams. In addition to functioning as a coenzyme for several reactions in metabolism, vitamin B6 plays a role in protein synthesis and metabolism, especially serotonin. Serotonin is believed to play an active role as a neurotransmitter in the smooth functioning of the brain.

Vitamin B6 also plays a role in energy metabolism from carbohydrates. The role of vitamin B6 was clearly supports the availability of energy for the brain to everyday activities.

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