Sunday, June 7, 2009

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a multitude of diseases marked by cell division that is not restrained and the cells the ability to attack other biological networks, either directly with the growth in the adjacent network (invasion) or with cell migration to a remote place (Metastasis). Growth is not restrained due to damage DNA, causing mutation in the genes that control vital cell division. Some fruit mutation may be required to change normal cells into cancer cells. Mutation, mutation is often caused chemical or physical agents called carcinogen. Mutation can occur spontaneously (obtained) or inherited (germ line mutation). Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy and whether there Metastasis. Determine a diagnosis that usually require examination microscopic network obtained with the biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy and / or radiation.

Treated if you do not, cause the most cancer deaths, cancer is one of the main causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and cured, especially when the treatment started early. Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that can actually be avoided. Smoking tobacco can cause cancer of the many other environmental factors.

Tumor (Latin; swelling) refers to the mass of the network is not normal, but can be "vicious" (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Only the malignant tumor is able to attack other networks or metastasise.
Tracking cancer

Most cancers are recognized as signs or symptoms appear or through the "screening". The two are not go to a clear diagnosis, which usually requires a biopsy. Some of the cancer is found accidentally during medical evaluation of the issues that are not related.
Risk factors of cancer

Until now is still a puzzle, why someone contract cancer, while the other does not. Already know, cancer can be caused by many factors, and develop in time for many years.

Research shows that several factors that can increase the risk of someone affected by cancer. Fortunately most of the risk factors that can be avoided, controlled, and is, by choosing the right lifestyle.

Here are the factors that cause the occurrence of most cancers. Other factors are still many, unfortunately, not possible to be all here.


Most of the cancer in people aged over 60 years. But not a few people that much younger, even children under the age of five years, which is also affected by cancer.


cigarette smoking causes Cancer Smoke / tobacco smoke that both active smokers and passive smokers can cause lung cancer, cancer vocal cords, mouth cancer, throat, kidney, bladder, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, leukemia, and uterus neck. Not only smoke, and even often inhale aroma of tobacco can cause cancer, and chewing /to smoked (eg in the form of quid-jw) can cause mouth cancer.

Sun rays

Morning sun good for health. But the afternoon sun, which contains a lot of ultraviolet, can cause skin cancer. Use an umbrella, wide hat, and clothes that cover the body as much as possible to protect themselves from ultraviolet rays. Skin that is not protected, should be oiled with a sunscreen containing a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.

Ultraviolet rays can penetrate glass, thin clothing, can also reflection by sand, water, snow, and ice. Please note that the ultraviolet lamp is sold in many stores can also cause cancer,(?).

Chemical oxygen-oxygen

Many chemical substances are added in the food / beverage modern cancer can be triggered, for example, preservative substances, artificial coloring, artificial sweetener, artificial taste. In fact, almost all the food / beverage production factory or sold in stalls and restaurants oxygen-containing substances are additional.

But the food prepared at home are not necessarily free of risk of cancer. Since most vegetables and fruits planted relying on artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Food is baked, burned, or fried with used oil also potentially cause cancer. Similarly the water and detergent pollution waste other chemical-waste (although already rarefied).

Oxygen-oxygen chemical causes of cancer can be another entrance to the human body through the air, eg gas, asbestos, cadmium, nickel, vinyl chlorida, and so forth.

Virus infection and bacteria

Some types of viruses and bacteria can increase the risk of cancer, among others:
Human papilloma virus (HPV), is the main cause of womb and neck cancer can increase the risk of occurrence of other types of cancer. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C can trigger the occurrence of liver cancer. Virus human T-cell leukemia / lymphoma (HTLV-1) increase the risk of leukemia and lymphoma. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS was known as this increase the risk limfoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.

Epstein-Barr virus increase the risk infected lymphoma. Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8) may cause Kaposi's sarcoma. Helicobactery pylori causes stomach and intestinal injury can also cause cancer of the alimentary tract.

To reduce the possibility of contracting the virus / bacteria, and avoid flit sexual pair, also do not exchange a tooth brush, needle, comb, cutlery, etc..

Diet, obesity, and Lack of movement

Consume too much red meat and salt can increase the risk of suspected bowel cancer, rectum, and other cancers in the abdomen. Otherwise consume a lot of vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of cancer of the alimentary tract.

Overweight and less movement can trigger the occurrence of breast cancer, endometrium, kidney, colon, and esophagus. To prevent this, every day during sports training at least 30 minutes.


Consumption of alcohol may trigger mouth cancer, throat, esophagus, vocal cords, liver, and breast. But occasionally eat tape, it does not matter why.


Excessive hormone estrogen in the body can increase the likelihood infected womb cancer and breast cancer. Medium progesterone hormone can prevent the occurrence of endometrium cancer, but increase the risk of breast cancer. The two types of hormones are widely used as material KB pills and hormone therapy women on menopause. Use of long-term can reduce the risk of womb cancer and endometrium, but increase the risk of breast cancer and liver cancer.

Family history

These factors triggered the above will cause cancer if successfully created a core of genes in the cells changed (mutations). If the body's immune system is not able to repair or destroy genes that have this mutation, these genes make normal cells turn into cells violent, so that developed into cancer.

Sometimes it is the nature of genes is then revealed to the children, which makes the child who does not have normal genes. However, genes not normally this will not necessarily develop into cancer, because it still depends on a case-triggered and triggered strong resistance, not the body. Moreover, not all types of cancer is revealed. Only certain types of cancer that has a tendency was revealed, ie, melanoma (skin cancer), breast, uterus, prostate, and colon.

Do not be Scared

Although in our lives right now this seems everything can cause cancer, we need not be too afraid. Cancer is not as easy as it attacked us. Not all things cause cancer. Also, the cancer is not contagious. If we have one or more risk factors of cancer, does not mean we certainly have cancer. Indeed, some people affected by cancer more sensitive than the other. But that is not necessarily! So no need used afraid, especially to stress. If we stress, that stress would make our conditions worse, and it comes easier.
Against cancer

Seconds until the disease is a cancer threat, while a specific drug to stop the growth of cancer cells also has not been found. Pefforts continue to grown with radiation therapy and sytostatic.

However, some people prefer an alternative therapy. Use വില്‍ the size of the benefits and risks alternative therapy, is very much needed understanding of how to work an alternative therapy, including the use of food supplements (vitamins and antioxidants compound mineral) and herbal preparation that can work against cancer.

Various types of food was the best oxygen-containing substances anticancer. Even cooking mix broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, meat and fish is very rich in antioxidants elements.

Various alil compound such as sulfide in garlic, turmeric in curcumin, isoflavon in soybean, likofen in tomatoes, polyvinyl in green tea, revesratrol in red grape skin, and sulforafan food is broccoli in cancer prevention. Some vitamins and minerals are also antioxidants which are often promoted for the prevention of cancer: beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, and selenium.

For herbal therapy, there are a variety of plants, based on empirical experience, we can fight cancer. Among parasite (Dendrophtoe petandra), virgin palm (Catharanthus roseus), meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L), white turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda L), respite (Pettiveria alliacea) and maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa).

Cancer appears when normal cell DNA were damaged causing genetic mutation. If this is not immediately corrected, the cell multiplication of damaged DNA to its potential to produce cancer cells. When the cells are intended to increase the recovery of cells damaged or worn.

From the science of nutrition, the two elements that can damage DNA cells are normal and free radical carcinogen. Free radicals can be produced through the metabolism of the body or the environment around us (gas out of vehicles and factories, smoke cigarettes, chemical substances, substances such as insecticides, chemicals or substances in food materials additive). Fortunately free radicals and can be bound by some sterilized compound, vitamins and minerals that are antioxidants.

The compound antioxidants that neutralize free radicals is polyvinyl (green tea), likofen (tomatoes), beta-carotene (carrots), and some other compound in the vegetable or fruit.

Special likofen in the tomato, this compound bound with a strong fiber fruit is. To set free, tomatoes must be cooked with a little oil first, considering the nature of the likofen easily dissolved in oil.

Research Harvard University on 48,000 people in 1995 showed, people who eat 10 times dishes containing tomatoes per week will decrease the risk of cancer prostate exposed to almost half. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are found in many fruits, vegetables, sprout, and the seeds are also antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Second element is a substance in food carcinogen. Substance is derived from procararsinogen by the phase I enzyme in the liver changed into carcinogen. Meanwhile, the phase II enzyme will remove product residue phase I enzyme, which can prevent the formation of cancer cells. If the enzyme can be called a phase I enzyme that evil, then the phase II enzyme is the enzyme that good.

Phase I enzyme that can reist by alil sulfide compound in garlic procarsinogen so that changes can be carcinogen reduced. One example is the famous carcinogen compound produced nitrosamin burning meat / fish (eg char sate) and used oil that has been used many times. Vitamin C act as antioxidants to prevent the formation of nitrosamin in line digested.

While the phase II enzyme production can be enhanced by the many sulforafan found in broccoli, cabbage flowers, and mustard greens. Therefore, the menu consists of vegetables broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, and pan-fish oil and a little garlic is one of the options menu that is rich in antioxidants elements.

Pressing Cancer Cell Growth

If DNA damage is not normal cells also successfully prevented by compound or vitamin / minerals that are antioxidants, or when the form is already cancer cells, the action that we can do is press the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cell growth takes place quickly after the cells are getting fatty acid omega-6. To reduce the influence of this fatty acid and remove of cancer in cells, fatty acid omega-3 that there are many fish in the cold has an important role. Fatty acid omega-3, also known as EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) or gamma-lenolenat, is one of the essential fat.

Some types of cancer cells can also grow quickly when triggered by the human hormone estrogen, such as in breast cancer cells. In this case isoflavon which is a soybean fit oestrogen in fact competitive with the human estrogen. So that the consumption of soybean isoflavon will help prevent the growth of cancer triggered by estrogen in humans. From here we can understand the role of Tempe, and know susu soybean food as the prevention of cancer growth.

Metastase cells to prevent cancer, we need to know how the cells are spread out. There are two ways cancer cells pro-metastase: through angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessel) and collagen, which is crushing the normal cells. Thus metastase will if angiogenesis can be prevented, while the collagen is damaged can be repaired by the body itself by using a certain food.

For angiogenesis, cancer cells release growth factors. Production of growth factors that can dihambat by inhibitor preparation Cox-2 that includes resveratrol in the skin of red wine, turmeric and kurkumin in genestein in soybean.

Renovation collagen by cancer cells occurs with the help of enzyme colagenase produced their own cancer cells.

Preparation of nutrition can hamper the process of renovation this is vitamin C and shark cartilage. In addition to stimulating the formation of Interferon join the fight against cancer cells, vitamin C can improve the damage appeared to collagen with new collagen created through hiydroksilation prolin. Perhaps this is the role base a controversial statement from a Nobel prize winner in chemistry and peace, Linus Carl Pauling, of the nutrition therapy of cancer with vitamin C megadosis.

Other forms of nutrition that can help repair cartilage collagen is a shark that many have been used as a cancer drug. Indeed, shark cartilage is a source of collagen that can provide natural products for body cells to synthetic collagen.


Flavonoid compound kuersetin in the parasite is estimated to work as isomers enzyme inhibitor of cancer cell DNA (a role in the process of multiplication and increased violence cancer). Impressions virgin known compound also has two classes of alkaloid vinka a nutritious preventing multiplication and spread of cancer cells. The second compound is vinkristin and vinblastin.

Besides palm catharanthin virgin contains alkaloid, which is similar to the compound in the plasma cell cancer. Absorption of this compound in cancer cells diprakirakan akan urgent and core melarutkan cancer cells are.

Plant meniran turmeric and white anticancer also have the property through its work imunomodulator. Both plant extracts in this experiment was mencit increase the number of limfosit, increasing toxisitas cancer killer cells (natural killer) and the synthetic antibody specific. Nature will strengthen the body's defense mechanism against viruses and cancer cells.

The leaves are also alleged to have strong healing property because of suspected cancer comes from Interferon-like compound that is a natural antibody against the virus and cancer cells. How to combat the cancer with the virus that causes cancer cells to DNA damage normal cells into cancer. Respited said this leaves more nutritious for the type of prostate cancer, rectum, and channel the breath.

Maitake mushroom as any cancer drug has been examined through a combination of mushroom extract with the preparation sitostatika to a number of people with cancer. According to Dr. Iwan T. Budiarso, researchers at the Balitbang MOH RI, maitake not only alleviate the symptoms of breast cancer, lung and liver, but also due to the side caused by sitostatika. Plosakarida compound 1-6 glukans B maitake believed to play a role in preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells through the increased effectiveness of all the cells in the body's defense system in addition to improving the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and sitostatika.

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